Traning ,WorkShop and Seminar:
Dated :24.11.2020
Successful development of agro-techniques of Ginseng in Sikkim.....
Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology conducted a one day seminar-cum-workshop on ‘Biotechnological Intervention in EthnoTraditional Knowledge System’ at ............
Training on Bioinformatics in Microbial Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) research
Bioinformatics Sub – Disc Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology, with a support of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, organized a day long programme on bioinformatics in Microbial Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) research on 31st of March 2015.
The training programme was attended by the research scholars of Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology and M.Sc. students from Sikkim Manipal University.
In his inaugural address, Additional director and Bioinformatics Sub-Disc coordinator Dr.B.C Basistha explained the trainees about the role of Bioinformatics and urged them to take maximum benefits from such training programmes.
Fig: Released Newsletter ‘BIOGYAN-Volume VIII" Fig: Trainees along with Resources Personals
The chief guest, SSCS&T member Secretary Dr. Anil Mainra acknowledged Bioinformatics Sub-DISC for conducting such advance training programmes regularly and urged the trainees to gain more knowledge about the techniques of Bioinformatics for their research. He also released a quarterly based Bioinformatics Newsletter ‘BIOGYAN-Volume VIII’ published by the Bioinformatics Sub-DISC.
Scientist Dr. L. Shantikumar Singh from Regional Centre for Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (RCIBSD), GoI, Dr. Sushen Pradhan from State Biotech Hub and Laydong Lepcha from Bioinformatics Sub-Disc were present as a resource person for the training programme.
Prof. P.K. Mitra, HoD, Medical Biotechnology, SMU, was present as a guest of honour.
Training on Bioinformatics in plant genomic researches
A training on bioinformatics in plant genomic researches, which was organized by Science & Technology Department (DST), concluded at Vigyan Bhawan on 14th march 2015.
The participants were the research Scholars of various research institutes including from the council and Sikkim University.
Sikkim state Council of science & Technology member Secretary Dr. Anil Mainra was present as the chief guest while Science & Technology Additional. Secretary T.W Khangsarpa was the guest of honor. In his address Dr. Mainra emphasized upon the importance of bioinformatics in Molecular Biology research and urged the trainee to take maximum benefits from the training.
Fig: Trainees along with chief Guest and Resources Personals Fig: Programme Inaguration
Bioinformatics centre’s Information Officer Laydong Lepcha highlighted on the importance of the training programme and its advantages for researchers under India’s bioinformatics System network. The Department Additional Director Dr. B.C Basistha explained the trainees about the role of Bioinformatics in Molecular Biology.
The resource persons of the training were Dr. Pradeep Kumar Bhardwaj, Scientist, Regional Centre for Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Govt. of India and Dr. Bikaram Saha from North Bengal University.
Another resource person Dr.Bikram Saha from North Bengal University presented important lecture on development of gene construction targeting code protein and suppressor gene of Citrus tristeza and transformation of citrus plant and viral genes. he also gave a hands-on training to the trainees on application of Bioinformatics software in genomic research.
The trainees were later awarded certificatess from the hands of Dr.Mainra.