Establishment of State BioTech. Hub(SBT Hub) in Sikkim
About the project:
The project “Establishment of State BioTech. Hubs (SBT Hubs) in Sikkim”
is funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India under
special programme for North Eastern States of India. The project is
being coordinated by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), a
Government of India enterprise promoted by Department of
Biotechnology, Government of India. The project has the component of
establishment of state of art biotechnology infrastructure
facilities in the state, a nucleus research centre for
biotechnological research. The total project cost is Rs. 304.03
lakhs and is of three years duration.
Project objectives:
The main objective of the project is the establishment of major
biotechnology infrastructure facility in the state, to train the
coordinators of the institutional hubs, to provide support for
research and training and to have a linkage with other institutional
hubs in the respective state.
Progress report : 2013-14
1. Procurement of scientific equipment: Two important instruments
needed for molecular research work is being procured & installed.
They are as under:
S. No. |
Name of Equipments |
Model No. & Brand Name |
1. |
Incubator shaker |
Innova 44, New Brunswick scientific, USA |
2. |
Bio-Spectrophotometer basic |
Eppendorff, USA |
2. Training
conducted: Training on Molecular biology techniques demonstration
and exposure was conducted on 20.09.2013. About 150 participants
including researcher, PG students attended the training.
3. Training on antioxidant, plant tissue culture, anti-microbial
studies imparted to the Science PG students of Sikkim University.
Under studentship of the project, 05 students were trained in the
aforesaid laboratory techniques.
4. Research activities: refer at the bottom The following research
activities were carried out at the State Biotechnology Research and
Application centre, Sajong:
Sl. No. |
Title of the Researches |
Status (Ongoing/completed) |
1. |
Antioxidant profiling of Curcuma angustifolia by DPPH method. |
Accepted: ISSN 2250-3137 www.ijlbpr.com |
2. |
Antioxidant profiling of medicinal plants Hippophae salicifolia by DPPH method |
Communicated |
3. |
Isolation of spores from the soil sample near the roots of Citrus reticulata from different areas of Sikkim. |
Communicated |
4. |
Antimicrobial studies, free radical scavenging activity and Phytochemical screening of Vaccinium sikkimense. |
Communicated |
5. |
Molecular studies on the 15 variety of Sechium sp. |
Ongoing |
6. |
Standardization of the protocol for the micropropagation of Stevia rebaudiana, and Asparagus racemosus. |
Ongoing |
7. |
Standardization of protocol for micropropagation of Bambusa nutans and its genetic diversity found in Sikkim Himalaya. |
Ongoing |
8. |
In vitro propagation of six cultivars variety of Musa paradisiaca found in Sikkim Himalaya and its molecular studies. |
Ongoing |
9. |
In vitro propagation, antibacterial, antioxidant of Rattan endangered species of Sikkim Himalaya. |
Ongoing |
10. |
Morphological and phylogenetic studies of 36 Rhododendron species found in Sikkim Himalaya. |
Ongoing |
11. |
Medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetic disease based on socio-economic documentation from western part of Sikkim Himalaya. |
Communicated: Journal of Indian traditional Knowledge |
12. |
Seabuckthorn A Secret Wonder Species: Review.
Accepted: Sikkim Manipal University Medical Journal, ISSN No. 2349 – 1604 |
13. |
Rattan- Neglected Climbing Tree - An Overview. |
Communicated |
14. |
In vitro antibacterial activity on human pathogens, antioxidant activity and total phenolic, flavonoid contents of five cultivars of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Ginger) of Sikkim Himalaya. |
Accepted: International Food Research Journal (ISSN 22317546). |
15. |
In vitro micropropagation of Amomum subulatum (zingiberaceae), a major traditional cash crop of Sikkim Himalaya. |
Published: ISSN 2250-3137 www.ijlbpr.com Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2014. |
16. |
Estimation of genetic diversity among five cultivars of Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Ginger) of Sikkim Himalaya using RAPD marker. |
Published: Sikkim Manipal University Medical Journal, ISSN No. 2349 – 1604. January, 2014. |
5. Creation of germplasm of large cardamom, ginger varieties for
molecular studies and breeding.
6. Additional herbal plants were added in the herbal garden.
7. Number of science streams students of different schools were
invited and exposed to the various techniques of the laboratory.
8. Other service provided:
Sikkim State Biotech Hub is providing technical support for
establishment of institutional Biotech hub at Sikkim Govt.
College, Tadong. Coordinator State Biotech Hub is also the
member of Committee in the institutional Hub at SGC, Gangtok.
Programmes and research modules are being framed for which we
are providing all possible support. We are providing expertise
support to different Biotech Hubs around Gangtok.

• Hands on training to the coordinators of institutional hubs on
molecular biology techniques, plant tissue culture, anti-oxidants,
pollen & anther culture.
• Hands on training to the science post graduate teacher on basic
molecular biology techniques.
• Strengthening of laboratory with necessary instruments to carry out
various researches.
• Training to the post graduate science students on basic laboratory
techniques and molecular biology.
• Taking PhD students from this year.
• Development of polyploid large cardamom, pure line selection for
breeding and development of disease/drought resistant hybrid.
• Pollen genomicstudies of Rhododendron species of Sikkim Himalaya.
• Bio-prospecting of local medicinal plants.