Frequently Asked Questions
What is the role of DST in societal development?
A large numbers of interdisciplinary project of multisectoral nature are supported leading to technological empowerment and capacity building for sustainable livelihood. DST also has programmes to help S&T personnel towards self-employment and entrepreneurship. - What is the critical role of DST?
The DST is the nodal department of Government in Sikkim for the co-ordination of overall R&D programmes of the Government. The Department is responsible for conceptualization and implementation of S&T programmes. It formulates S&T policy and advices Government on matters related to S&T. - How does DST supports state level S&T ?
DST has established state S&T councils in almost all states in the country for planning, coordinating and monitoring S&T activities at state level. - Is their any web portal for information dissemination?
Several portal are available, Mention of these portals are made at appropriate places in this website. Some of the useful portals are bioinformatics centre ,Sikkim,ENVIs., PIC,Vigyan Prasar, Science and Society etc. - What is the role of DST in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) ?
DST is providing assistance to S&T community for patenting their research work, nationally as well as internationally through Patent Facility Cell. - Does DST celebrate in a special occasions?
28th Feb has been designated as National Science Day and 11th May as Technology Day in Sikkim Science Centre, Marchak,Ranipool,East sikkim and Vigyan Bhawan,Deorali Gangtok. - What is the support available from DST for Students and researchers?
The Sikkim Bioinformatics Centre shall be providing important online research e-journals facility to the Young scientists, researchers and students of Sikkim.
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