The Two day International Conference on State of the Cryosphere in the Himalaya: With a focus on Sikkim and Eastern Himalayas -gaps,   challenges and opportunities.


The Conference was held at Chintan Bhawan Gangtok Sikkim w.e.f 19th February to 20th February 2018. The main objective of the conference was to “bring together a synergy of scientists, policy makers, students and local communities on one platform, to understand latest scientific developments in glaciology and perceive the local communities problems and needs”.

The program was inaugurated by Shri. Tshering Wangdi Lepcha, Hon’ble Minister of Dept. of Science & Technology & Climate Change, Forests, Env. & Wildlife Management Dept., Mines, Mineral & Geology Dept. Govt. of Sikkim.

During the International Conference there were 4 Key note talk from distinguished Scientists, from National and International Organizations. Altogether there were 34 oral presentations on different theme and around 22 Poster presentations.


The conference was jointly organized by:

1.      Dept. of  Science & Technology & Climate Change, Govt. of Sikkim

2.      Divecha Centre for Climate Change

3.      Sikkim University

4.      ECOSS

5.      Integrated Mountain Initiative


The conference was sponsored by:

1.      Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India

2.      Govt. of Sikkim

3.      Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

4.      TERI

5.      ICIMOD- Nepal

6.      IHCAP (Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation  Programme)

7.      Divecha Centre for Climate Change






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