Climate Change awareness programme:
The Sikkim State Climate Change Cell conducted Climate Change awareness
programme in 26 Block Administrative Centres (BACs) in 4 districts of
Sikkim. The programme was linked with National Science Day 2015 on the
Theme of “Science for Nation Building” organized by Sikkim State Council
of Science and Technology.
About 500 people including Panchayat members, NGOs, Self Help
groups, staff of BACs, students and general public were sensitized
on Climate Change in one month long awareness programme. The
response of the participants was very impressive and most of them
suggested to carry out more programmes in upcoming days.
So far, awareness programme has been carried out in Educational institutions,
State Science Centre and Block Administrative Centres.
In addition, a small Climate change information booklet for the
awareness of general public is prepared by State Climate Change Cell on
the “Climate Change in Sikkim Himalaya”. The booklet in addition provide
information based on different responsibilities of general public to
minimize the carbon footprints. The booklet is ready to send for
official approval and publication.
The photographs highlighting awareness programme in some of the BACs are
given below.

Duga BAC

Rakdong BAC

Khamdong BAC

Passingdong BAC